
Friday, May 14, 2021

Introduction to government!

  • Does our school have a government? Yes We have a government

  • for our school. Mrs Pamaka and the board of trustees.  

  • Who is the boss? Soana Pamaka

  • Who makes the rules? The ministry of Education and

  • Board of trustees. 

  • What happens if you do not obey the rules?

  •  If You break the rules you would get kicked out of the country

  • , But it depends what rule you break/Law 

  • Does NZ have a government?

Yes we have a government Jacinda ardern is

apart of the government 

  • Who is the boss? Jacinda Ardern 

  • Who makes the rules? The government!

  • Is there a government who controls the whole world?

  • No because every country has their own government and leader

  • but the whole world thinks it’s the King and Queen! 

  • Who governs my household? 

  • I'm responsible for cleaning

  • But my mum is responsible for giving out the jobs to do

  • around the house. My dad and mum are responsible for

  • working to get money to pay school fees and the water and light.

  • ( No playing in the house) ,( No Watching tv til morning) ,

  • ( Have to come back home at a certain time). 

Update from the Board of Trustees - Cheviot Express #5 - Term Two - 2019

What do we know about the government?

Today in social Studies we learnt What do you know about New Zealand's government. The Government is very important because they have our prime minister ( Jacinda Ardern)  Provide and look after our country. It's important for them to be apart of the Government because the Ministry's of... help New Zealand. 

Survivor Reflection

Today my group in Social studies discussed about how we were going to survive on the boat with only the people in our group. We all Contributed our ideas and disagreed and agreed. After that we all drawed a picture of  boat and a island. What happened in the story was we were on a boat and the boat sinked and ended up at a island.